Members Current Students Jong-Chan Lee (이종찬)Postdoctoral Researcherleejc2977@u*i* Begüm Rukiye ÖzerPhD. 4th yearbegguma@un** In Heo (허인)Combined MS.\PhD. 6th yearheo528@**is* Tushar Prashant PanditPhD. 3rd year William SarquahCombined MS.\PhD. 1st yearwilliam@u*is* Alumni Members Dr. Christian Schröterc.schroeter@fmb-ber***.comCurrently in FMB Berlin GmbH, Germany Dong-Eun, Lee이동은Currently in Samsung Electronics, Korea Kyeong-Hyeon, Nam남경현Currently in The Technical University of Munich, Germany Chang-Min, Choi최창민Currently in Korea Basic Science Institute, Korea Dr. Kyriaki KosmaCurrently in Technical Educational Institute of Crete, Greece Jin-Ho, Kim (김진호)Currently in army