Principle Advisor

Thomas Schultz







Phone   :   +82-52-217-5425                    Office    :    AMRB (103) 413
E-mail  :               Lab        :    AMRB (103) 401-4
Fax        :    +82-52-217-2019                  University : UNIST homepage


Teaching experience

  • Since 2013     :   Teaching of Physical, Analytical, and General Chemistry at UNIST.
  • 2011-2013      :   Status of university lecturer (“Privatdozent”) at the Free University of Berlin
  • Since 2008    :   Teaching of Physical Chemistry and Spectroscopy at the Free University of Berlin
  • Since 2000    :   Instruction and supervision of undergraduate and graduate students at the National Research Council Canada and the Max Born Institute Berlin
  • 1998-1999      :   Teaching assistant at the ETH Zürich



  • 1996 – 1999   :   PhD thesis in the Department of Organic Chemistry, ETH Zürich. Graduation on Sept. 28, 1999 with the thesis: ‘Time Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Allyl Radical’ (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Peter Chen).
  • 1994                :   Participation in the Karyn Kupcinet School at the Weizmann          Institute of Sciences, Rehovot, Israel. Research on the treatment of schizophrenia with immuno-suppressants (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. M. Shinitzki).
  • 1991 – 1995    :   Study of chemistry at the ETH Zürich with specialization in organic and biological chemistry. Graduation with the degree “Diplom der Chemie” on Nov. 9, 1995. Thesis title: ‘9,10-Dehydroanthracene as Potential Precursor for the Anthracene-9,10-biradical’ (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Peter Chen).
  • 1982 – 1991    :   High school Wildermuth-Gymnasium, Tübingen, Germany.


    Professional affiliations

  • Member of the German Chemical Society
  • Member of the German Physical Society
  • Member of the Korean Chemical Society